[toc] 发音和记忆是相辅相成的 先背过,然后再学语法,那些词汇就已经熟悉于心 不是仅仅理解就可以,你需要一遍又一遍地背诵。

Sandhī 不需要思考太多,只需要每天背诵。 不需要思考,only follow your pronouncation.

Everyday you recite sandhis from begin to the end.

Pali Lesson 18 Netuer Nouns 中性名词

63.Nominative, Vocative and Accusative of Neuter nouns. 63.中性名词的主格、呼格和对格

To the noun-stems ending in ‘a’, ‘’ is added to form their Nominative Singular. Thus the stem ‘phala’ (fruit) becomes ‘phalaṃ’ in the Nomin-ative singular. 对于以“a”结尾的名词词干,添加“”以形成其主格单数。 因此,主格单数词干“phala”(水果)变成“phalam”。

Noun stems ending in other vowels, i, ī, u and ū, remain unchanged. 以其他元音 i、ī、u 和 ū 结尾的名词词干保持不变。

Nouns ending in ī, and ū, are very rare. There are some adjectives ending in ‘ī’ and ‘ū’ which play the part of nouns as: sudhī, gotrabhū. 以 ī 和 ū 结尾的名词非常罕见。 有一些以“ī”和“ū”结尾的形容词充当名词,例如:sudhī、gotrabhū。

In the Vocative Singular the short final vowel of the stem remains unchanged and a long vowel is shortened as: phala, aṭṭhi, sudhi, cakkhu, gotrabhu. 在呼格单数中,词干的短尾元音保持不变,长元音缩短为:phalaaṭṭhisudhicakkhugotrabhu

In the Accusative Singular ‘’ is added to every stem, and a long vowel is shortened before ‘’ as: phalaṃ, aṭṭhiṃ, sudhiṃ, cakkhuṃ, gotrabhuṃ. 在宾格单数中,每个词干都添加“”,并且“”之前的长元音被缩短为:phalamaṭṭhiṃsudhiṃcakkhuṃgotrabhuṃ

Stem 词干 Nominative Singular 主格单数 Vocative Singular 呼格单数 Accusative Singular 宾格单数
phala (fruit) 水果 phalaṃ phala phalaṃ
aṭṭhi (bone) 骨头 aṭṭhi aṭṭhi aṭṭhiṃ
sudhī (wise) 智慧的 sudhī sudhi sudhiṃ
cakkhu (eye) 眼 cakkhu cakkhu cakkhuṃ
$gotrabhū^1$ 种姓 gotrabhū gotrabhu gotrabhuṃ

64.Plural forms 64.复数

There are two nominative plurals. In one the short vowel becomes long and the long vowel remains unchanged. In the other ‘-ni’ is added to all those forms as: phalā, phalāni, aṭṭhī, aṭṭhīni, sudhī, sudhīni, cakkhū,cakkhūni, gotrabhū, gotrabhūni.

有两个主格复数。 其中,短元音变长,长元音保持不变。 在其他形式中,“-ni”被添加到所有这些形式中:phalā、phalāni、aṭṭhī、aṭṭhīni、sudhī、sudhīni、cakkhū、cakkhūni、gotrabhū、gotrabhūni。

65.Vocative plural is the same as the Nominative plural (of all nouns). 65.呼格复数与主格复数(所有名词)相同。

66.In Accusative plural, the final ‘a’ of the stem becomes ‘e’, in one form and the other form is the same as the nominative plural as: phale, phalāni. The Accusative plural of the stems ending in all other vowels is the same as their nominative plural, e.g. aṭṭhī, aṭṭhīni, sudhī, sudhīni, gotrabhū, gotrabhūni. 在宾格复数中,词干的最后一个“a”变成“e”,其中一种形式和另一种形式与主格复数相同:phalephalāni。 以所有其他元音结尾的词干的宾格复数与其主格复数相同,例如 aṭṭhīaṭṭhīnisudhīsudhīnigotrabhūgotrabhūni

Nominative, Vocative and Accusative Plurals 主格、位格和宾格

Stem 词干 Nominative, Vocative Plurals 主格、呼格复数 Accusative Plurals 宾格复数 Meaning 意思
phala phalā, phalāni phale, phalāni fruit
aṭṭhi aṭṭhī, aṭṭhīni aṭṭhī, aṭṭhīni stone; hard seed
sudhī sudhī, sudhīni sudhī, sudhīni wise man
cakkhu cakkhū, cakkhūni cakkhū, cakkhūni eye
gotrabhū gotrabhū, gotrabhūni gotrabhū, gotrabhūni change-of-lineage (state of consciousness preceding jhāna or path)

Singular forms of other Cases 其他格的单数形式

—-: | ————–: | ———: | ———: | ———: | ———: | | Instr.
工具格 | phalena | aṭṭhinā | sudhinā | cakkhunā | gotrabhunā | Abl.
离格 | phalā | aṭṭhinā | sudhinā | cakkhunā |gotrabhunā | ^^ | phalasmā | aṭṭhismā | sudhismā | cakkhusmā |gotrabhusmā | ^^ | phalamhā | aṭṭhimhā | sudhimhā | cakkhunā | gotrabhunā | Dat.
与格 | phalāya | aṭṭhino | sudhino | cakkhuno | gotrabhuno | ^^ | phalassa | aṭṭhissa | sudhissa | cakkhussa | gotrabhussa | Gen.
属格(所有格) | | aṭṭhissa | ^^ | phalassa | | sudhissa| cakkhussa | gotrabhussa | ^^ | | aṭṭhino | sudhino | cakkhuno | gotrabhuno | Loc.
位格 | phalasmiṃ | ^^ | | aṭṭhismiṃ | sudhismiṃ | cakkhusmiṃ | gotrahhusmiṃ | ^^ | phalamhi | | sudhimhi | cakkhumhi | gotrabhumhi | ^^ | phale | aṭṭhimhi |

Plural forms 复数形式
phalehi aṭṭhībhi sudhībhi cakkhūbhi gotrabhūbhi
^^ phalebhi aṭṭhīhi sudhīhi cakkhūhi gotrabhūhi
phalānaṃ aṭṭhīnaṃ sudhīnaṃ cakkhūnaṃ gotrabhūnaṃ
phalesu aṭṭhīsu sudhīsu cakkhūsu gotrabhūsu

Note: Optionally ‘i’ and ‘ū’ before ‘su’ become short, e.g. aṭṭhisu, cakkhusu. The adjective ‘sudhī’ and ‘gotrabhū’ go together with neuter nouns as: sudhī kulaṃ (wise family), gotrabhū cittaṃ (the gotrabhū conscious-ness), sudhimhi kule (in the wise family), gotrabhumhi cittamhi (in the gotrabhū consciousness).

注意:可以选择将“su”之前的“i”和“ū”缩短,例如 aṭṭhisucakkhusu。 形容词“sudhī”和“gotrabhū”与中性名词一起使用,如:sudhī kulaṃ(明智的家庭)、gotrabhū cittaṃgotrabhū 意识)、sudhimhi kule(明智的家庭)、gotrabhumhi cittamhigotrabhū 意识) 。

Vocabulary 词汇

Masculine Nouns 阳性名词

Pali English 中文
uttarāsaṅga upper robe 上衣
ekaṃsa one shoulder, one side 一个肩膀,一侧
kassaka farmer 农夫
piṇḍapāta alms 施舍物;救济金
dava amusement 嬉笑,嬉戏
mada enjoyment, intoxication 自豪,陶醉,自負
papaṇika merchant 商人
bhoga wealth 财富
Mahānāma a person so known 摩诃男

Neuter Nouns 中性名词

Pali English 中文
āsana seat 座位
pāda foot
viriya effort, endeavour 精進,能源,努力,力量
sota ear 耳朵
bhojana food, meal 食物
kamma, karma deed, action 业、行为
citta mind, consciousness 心,意识
pāmojja joy 高兴;愉快;喜悦
pahāna dispelling, removal 舍离、舍断
maṇḍana adornment 装饰,装饰品
vibhūsana ornament 装饰
bhaya fear 害怕,惊骇
mahatta greatness, prosperity 大;繁荣
arahatta arhatship 阿拉汉
geha, ghara house 房子,住宅
rāga lust 肉欲,执着
dosa hatred 嗔恨
moha delusion 无明(痴)
anta end, side 末端,尽头,目标,顶端
yodha, bhaṭa soldier 军人,战士
rukkha tree
sadda sound, noise 声音;噪声
gandha odour 香,气味
sāyaṇha evening 傍晚
dāḷiddiya poverty 贫穷
agāra home 屋,家
anagāriya homelessness 无家
kula family 家族
Jetavana the grove so known 知名的揭达林
vana, arañña forest 森林
saṅgāma war, battlefield 对抗;战争
khetta field 田,小块土地,适当的地方,生产地,建立地
mūla root, foot of a tree 根,钱,现金,脚,底部,起源,因素,基础,开始
avidūra, samipa vicinity 接近的;附近
dvāra door, gate 门,入口
nagara town, city 城镇,城市
rūpa visible form 色,外形
ghāṇa nose 鼻子

Adjectives 形容词

Pali English 中文
dahara young 年轻的
akusala unwholesome, evil, sinful 孽,罪;坏行为;不善的
kusīta lazy, idle 懒惰的,怠惰
alasa lazy, idle 不作事的,懒惰的
daḷidda poor 贫穷
puñña meritorious 福,功德

Indeclinables and Adverbs 不定式和副词

Pali English 中文
nissaṃsayaṃ certainly 确定地
sakkā is able, can 那是可能的
yannuna how good it be! 那该多好啊!
divā in the day time 在白天
sāyaṃ evening 晚上;傍晚

Verbs 动词

Pali pp.
English 中文
ārabhati āraddha makes effort 发勤精进
odahati ohita gives ear to 倾听
paññāpeti paññatta lays down a rule, promulgates, prepares a seat 管理规则,设下规则,使知道,宣布,准备(座位等)
paccāgacchati paccāgata returns 回返,回来
abhivādeti abhivādita pays homage to 弯腰,行礼
hāyati hīna diminishes, decays 低的,劣等的,低级的,可鄙的
mamāyati mamāyita owns, regards as 被执着,珍爱
apaneti apanīta leads away, takes away 取走,除去

Exercises 练习

(a) Translate into English(巴译英)

1.Brāhmaṇo uṭṭhāyāsanā uttarāsaṅgaṃ ekaṃsaṃ karitvā daharānaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ pāde vandi.

1.The Brahmin, got up from (his) seat, put on one shoulder (his) upper robe and bowed down at the feet of young monks. 1.婆罗门从座起,偏袒上衣于一肩,顶礼于年轻比丘脚下。

Pāḷi English 中文
Brāhmaṇo Brahman 婆罗门
uṭṭhāyāsanā rising from one’s seat 从座位上起来
uttarāsaṅgaṃ upper robe 上衣
ekaṃsaṃ on one shoulder; over one shoulder 在一肩上
karitvā having done 做了…之后
daharānaṃ young; youthful; junior 年轻人
bhikkhūnaṃ monk 比库,僧人
pāde foot 脚,足
vandi paid respect; honoured 礼敬

2.Therā viriyaṃ ārabhanti.

2.The Elders make (an) effort.


Pāḷi English 中文
Therā (vinaya) elder; senior monk; monk with ten or more years as a monk 长老;资深僧侣
viriyaṃ effort; energy; might; power 精力;能量
ārabhanti begins; starts; undertakes; arouses oneself (to); makes an effort (to) 开始;努力(去)

3.Te sotaṃ odahanti.

3.They give ear. 3.他们倾听。

Pāḷi English 中文
Te They 他们
sotaṃ ear 耳朵
odahanti (of attention) applies; pays; 给出

4.Bhikkhū bhojanaṃ bhuñjanti.

4.The monks eat food. 4.僧人们吃东西。

Pāḷi English 中文
Bhikkhū monk 僧人
bhojanaṃ food; meal 食物;餐食
bhuñjanti uses; enjoys 使用;享用

5.Bālā akusalāni kammāni karonti.

5.The foolish commit evil deeds.


Pāḷi English 中文
Bālā fool; idiot; immature person 愚人
akusalāni unwholesome 不善的
kammāni action; deed; doing 行为;业
karonti does; acts; performs 做;执行

6.Gahapatino cittaṃ pasīdati.

6.He rejoices the householder’s mind. 6.令居士心欢喜。

Pāḷi English 中文
Gahapatino householder; landowner 屋主;地主
cittaṃ mind; heart
pasīdati is pleased; is happy; is appeased 高兴; 是快乐的

7.Pāmojjaṃ uppajjati.

7.Joy arises (i.e. br feels joyful). 7.喜悦升起(即 br 感到喜悦)。

Pāḷi English 中文
Pāmojjaṃ joy; happiness; gladness 喜悦
uppajjati appears; arises; takes place 显现;生起

8.Tumhe āvuso Ānanda rāgassa pahānaṃ paññāpetha, dosassa pahānaṃ paññāpetha mohassa pahānaṃ paññāpetha.

8.Friend Ānanda, you promulgate the getting rid of lust, anger and delusion. 8.阿难尊者,您宣示断除贪、嗔、痴。

Pāḷi English 中文
Tumhe you all; you (royal plural)
āvuso brother; brothers; friend; friends 兄弟;朋友
Ānanda name of the Buddha’s attendant; great disciple of the Buddha 佛陀侍者的名字、佛陀的大弟子
rāgassa desire (for); passion (for); infatuation (with); lust (for); 欲贪
pahānaṃ giving up (of); letting go (of); removal (of); abandoning (of) 弃绝;断除
paññāpetha teaches; preaches; proclaims 教导;宣告
dosassa aversion; ill-will; hate; hatred 嗔恨
mohassa illusion; delusion; hallucination 错见;幻觉

9.Mayaṃ piṇḍapātaṃ bhuñjāma neva davāya, na madāya, na maṇḍanāya, na vibhūsanāya.

9.We eat food not for the sake of amusement, enjoyment, not to bring adornment (to our body), not for ornament (not for beautifying). 9.我们吃食物不是为了娱乐、享受,不是为了装饰(给我们的身体),不是为了装饰(不是为了美化)。

Pāḷi English 中文
Mayaṃ we 我们
piṇḍapātaṃ alms food 布施的食物
bhuñjāma eats; consumes 吃;消耗
neva neither; not 也不;不
davāya for fun; for play; for sport 为了娱乐,为了玩耍
na not
madāya for intoxication; for indulgence; (comm) for strength 为了迷醉;为了放纵;为了力量
maṇḍanāya for embellishment; for bulk; for shape 为了装饰;为了形体魁梧
vibhūsanāya for embellishment; for physical appearance 为了装饰;为了外表

10.Natthi bhikkhave paṇḍitato bhayaṃ.

10.Monks, there is no fear (danger) from a wise person. 10.比库们,有智慧的人不会有恐惧(危险)。

Pāḷi English 中文
Natthi does not exist; no longer exists 不存在;没有
bhikkhave monks 啊,比库们
paṇḍitato wise; intelligent; astute; learned; knowledgeable; skilled 智慧的
bhayaṃ fear (of); terror (of); fright 害怕;恐怖

11.Pāpaṇiko mahattaṃ pāpuṇāti bhogesu.

11.The merchant attains prosperity in his wealth. 11.商人因财富而繁荣。

Pāḷi English 中文
Pāpaṇiko shopkeeper 店主
mahattaṃ greatness; illustriousness 影响大的; 著名的
pāpuṇāti reaches; arrives (at); comes (to) 达到;达成
bhogesu wealth; possessions; property; 财富;财产

12.Yannūnāhaṃ Ma-hānāmaṃ ekamantaṃ apanetvā dhammaṃ deseyyāmi.

12.How good would it be if I were to take Mahānāma to one side and expound to him the Dhamma! 12.如果我能将摩诃纳摩带到一旁,为他说法,那该多好啊!

Pāḷi English 中文
Yannūnāhaṃ what if I were to; let me; I shall; perhaps I 如果我..;我应该…
Ma-hānāmaṃ a so know person 摩诃男
ekamantaṃ to one side; aside 一旁;一侧
apanetvā having removed; having taken away 带走
dhammaṃ teaching; discourse; doctrine 教导;开示;教义
deseyyāmi preach (to); teaches (to); explains (to) 向…宣说;向…教导;向…解释

13.Bhikkhū paññattesu āsanesu nisīdiṃsu.

13.The monks sat down on the prepared seats. 13.比库们在准备好的座位上坐下

Pāḷi English 中文
Bhikkhū monk 比库,僧人
paññattesu prepared; readied; arranged; laid out 准备好的;安排好的
āsanesu seat; chair 座位;椅子
nisīdiṃsu sat (on); sat down (in) 坐在..上

14.Akusalaṃ bhikkhave pajahatha, sakkā bhikkhave akusalaṃ pajahituṃ.

14.Dispel, Monks, evil. It can be dispelled, O monks. 14.比库们!驱除邪恶。诸比库,它可以被驱除。

Pāḷi English 中文
Akusalaṃ unwholesome 不善
bhikkhave O, monks 比库们(呼格,称呼)
pajahatha gives up; abandons; lets go (of) 放弃;舍弃
sakkā it is possible 那是可能的
pajahituṃ gives up; abandons; lets go (of) 放弃;舍弃

15.Cakkhūni hāyanti mamāyitāni.

15.Eyes regarded as one’s own come to decay. 15.视如己出的眼睛会腐烂。

Pāḷi English 中文
Cakkhūni eye 眼睛
mamāyitāni taken as mine; possessed; treasured; cherished 视为自己的

(b) Translate into Pali (英译巴)

1.Monks made an attempt to attain Arhatship. 1.僧侣们试图证得阿拉汉果。 1.Bhikkhū arahattaṃ pāpunituṃ viriyaṃ ārabhiṃsu.

Pāḷi English 中文
Bhikkhū monk 僧人
arahattaṃ enlightenment; awakened state 觉悟;觉醒的状态
pāpunituṃ to reach; to arrive (at); to attain; 证得,达到
viriyaṃ effort; energy 精力
ārabhiṃsu began (to); started (to) 开始

2.The Buddha expounded the doctrine for getting rid of lust, anger and delusion. 佛陀阐述了断除贪、嗔、痴的教义。 2.Buddho rāgassa dosassa mohassa pahānāya dhammaṃ desesi.

Pāḷi English 中文
Buddho Buddha; Awakened One 佛陀;觉醒的人
rāgassa desire (for); passion (for); infatuation (with); lust (for) 欲;执着
dosassa aversion; ill-will; hate; hatred 嗔恨
mohassa illusion; delusion; hallucination 错见;幻觉

3.We went to the house of the general and sat down on the seats that had been prepared. 3.Mayaṃ senānino gehaṃ gantvā paññattesu āsanesu nisīdimhā.


Pāḷi English 中文
Mayaṃ we 我们
senānino general 将军
gehaṃ house; dwelling 房子;住处
gantvā having gone (to); having travelled (to) 已去到
paññattesu prepared; readied; arranged; laid out 准备好的
āsanesu seat; chair; 座位
nisīdimhā sat (on); sat down (in) 坐在…上; 坐下

4.If you become lazy, certainly you will fall into poverty. 4.如果你变得懒惰,你肯定会陷入贫困。 4.Sace tvaṃ kusito (alaso) bhaveyyāsi, nissaṃsayaṃ dāḷiddiyaṃ pāpuneyyāsi (pateyyāsi).

Pāḷi English 中文
Sace if 如果
tvaṃ you (subject) 你 (主语)
kusito piece of cloth (part of a monk’s robe) 一块布(僧人的袈裟的一部分)
(alaso) lazy; inactive; indolent; idle 懒惰
bhaveyyāsi, is; is being; becomes 是;成为
nissaṃsayaṃ without a doubt; certainly; surely 毫无疑问地;确定地
dāḷiddiyaṃ poverty 贫穷
pāpuneyyāsi becomes; changes into 变成
(pateyyāsi) falls (off); falls (from) 下落;从…落下

5.How good would it be if I should go forth from home to homelessness. 5.如果我能出家该多好。 5.Yannūnāhaṃ agārasmā anagāriyaṃ pabbajeyyāmi.

Pāḷi English 中文
Yannūnāhaṃ what if I were to; let me; I shall; perhaps I 如果我…
agārasmā household life 在家生活
anagāriyaṃ homelessness; homeless state 无家的
pabbajeyyāmi ordains as monk; renounces the household life; 成为一名僧人;放弃在家生活

6.They gave ear to hear the teaching of the Buddha. 6.他们送车去听佛陀的教法。 6.Te Buddhassa dhammaṃ sotuṃ sotaṃ odahiṃsu.

Pāḷi English 中文
Te they 他们
Buddhassa Buddha; Awakened One 佛陀,觉醒者
dhammaṃ teaching; discourse; doctrine 教导;教义
sotuṃ to hear to hear
sotaṃ ear 耳朵
odahiṃsu put (in) 放;安置
7.Having gone to Jetavana they saw the Buddha and paid homage (to him)
7.Te Jetavanaṃ gantvā Buddhaṃ disvā vandiṃsu (abhivādesuṃ).

Pāḷi English 中文
Te they 他们
Jetavanaṃ name of a monastery in Sāvatthī 沙瓦提城(旧译舍卫城)的一个寺院的名字,即揭达林,或称祗园精舍
gantvā having gone (to); having travelled (to) 去到
Buddhaṃ Buddha; Awakened One 佛陀;觉醒者
disvā having seen; having understood 见到
vandiṃsu paid respect; honoured 礼敬
(abhivādesuṃ) bows down (to); pays high respect (to) 鞠躬(向);致以崇高的敬意

8.Many meritorious deeds were done by the wise family. 8.贤明的家族做了很多功德。 8.Sudhinā kulena bahūni puññani kammāni katāni.

Pāḷi English 中文
Sudhinā wise man 智者
kulena family; house; household; respectable family 家庭
bahūni many; much; lots (of); a lot (of); great; large 许多,大量
puññani merit; good deed; spiritual wealth 功德;善行
kammāni action; deed; doing 行为;业
katāni done; did; completed 做了;完成了
9.In the battlefield many enemies were killed by the General and (his) soldiers.
9.Saṇgāmasmiṃ senāninā ca yodhehi (bhaṭehī) ca bahavo (bahū) arayo (ari) hatā.

| Pāḷi | English | 中文 | | --- | --- | --- | | **Saṇgāmasmiṃ** | troop; army | 军队;作战部队 | | **senāninā** | general | 将军 | | **ca** | and | 和 | | **yodhehi** | soldier; warrior | 士兵 | | **(bhaṭehī)** | soldier; police-officer; mercenary | | | **bahavo** | many | 许多 | | **(bahū)** | many, much | | | **arayo** | enemy | 敌人 | | **(ari)** | enemy | | | **hatā** | killed (by) | 被杀 |

10.The monk went to the forest and sat down at the foot of a tree. 10. 僧人来到森林里,在一棵树下坐下。 10.Bhikkhu araññaṃ (vanaṃ) gantvā rukkhassa mūle nisīdi.

| Pāḷi | English | 中文 | | --- | --- | --- | | **Bhikkhu** | monk | 比库,僧人 | | **araññaṃ** | forest; wood; wilds | 森林,树林; 偏远地区;人烟稀少的地区| | **(vanaṃ)** | wood; forest; grove | | | **gantvā** | having gone (to); having travelled (to) | 去了 | | **rukkhassa** | tree | 树 | | **mūle** | (of a tree) root; base; foot | (树)根部 | | **nisīdi** | sat (on); sat down (in) | 坐在...上 |

11.Then the Buddha stayed in Nigrodharama in the vicinity of the city Kapilavatthu. 11.然后,佛陀住在迦毗罗卫城附近的黑法。 11.Tadā Buddho Kapilavattussa nagarassa avidūre (samīpe) nigrodhārāme vihari (vasi).

| Pāḷi | English | 中文 | | --- | --- | --- | | **Tadā** | then; at that time | 然后;在那时 | | **Buddho** | Buddha; Awakened One | 佛陀,觉醒者| | **Kapilavattussa** | Name of Gotama Buddha's homecity | 佛陀的出生地 伽毕勒瓦土城(旧译:迦毗罗卫城)| | **nagarassa** | | | | **avidūre** | | | | **(samīpe)** | | | | **nigrodhārāme** | | | | **vihari** | | | | **(vasi)** | | |

12.The farmers worked in the field in the daytime and returned to (their) houses in the evening. 12.Kassakā divā khette kammaṃ katvā sāyaṃ (sāyaṇhe) gehāni paccāgacchiṃsu.

Pāḷi English 中文

13.Many soldiers were standing at the gate of the city. 12.农民们白天在地里干活,晚上就回家。 13.Nagarassa dvāre bahū (bahavo) bhatā (yodhā) aṭṭhaṃsu.

Pāḷi English 中文

14.We see visible forms with (our) eyes, hear sounds with (our) ears and smell odours with (our) nose. 14.我们用(我们的)眼睛看到可见的形状,用(我们的)耳朵听到声音,用(我们的)鼻子闻到气味。 14.Mayaṃ cakkhūhi rūpāni passāma, sotehi sadde suṇāma ghāṇena gandhe ca ghāyāma.

Pāḷi English 中文

(The words within brackets arc not to be translated.) (括号内的文字不予翻译。)

Please note: The pāḷi sentences voice in this passage are generated using the pali tts dataset pretrained model by pnfo, It is only for reference in learning pronunciation and accuracy is not guaranteed. For more information about pali-tts by pnfo, please visit their official webpage on Github. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to PNF (Path Nirvana Foundation) ! May the Buddha’s correct teachings remain in the world for a long time!

请注意: 本文巴利句子语音由pnfo的巴利文本转语音 数据集(pali-tts-dataset)预训练模型生成,仅供学习发音参考,不保证准确性。如果您想要知道更多关于pali-tts或其他佛法软件资料等信息,请访问他们的在Github上的官方页面,在此谨向PNF(趋向涅槃基金会)致以诚挚的谢意! 愿佛陀正确的教法久住世间!愿所有人都能正确理解佛法!